
Pohang University of Science and Technology

Research Topic

Cathode active materials for
high performance Lithium-ion batteries:

We design, synthesize, and analyze high-performance energy materials, leveraging our comprehensive theoretical understanding of materials science. With this knowledge as our foundation, we are dedicated to continually expanding our understanding of the electrochemical reaction mechanisms governing battery materials.

  • Cathode active materials for high performance Lithium-ion batteries

    We design, synthesize, and analyze high-performance energy materials based on our theoretical understanding of materials science. Based on this understanding, we are continuously expanding our knowledge for the electrochemical reaction mechanism of battery materials.

    Our ultimate goal is to develop highly practical next-generation energy storage materials through our comprehensive processes.

  • Key element of high-performance Li-ion battery

    Cathode active materials

    High-Nickel cathode active materials

    High nickel(NCM)series –
    Comparably high-performance than other materials

  • Property of High nickel Contents

    H2-H3 two phase reaction and 3.5V slow kinetic reaction are activated

    Synchrotron, Neutron Analysis – For figuring out the 3.5V slow-kinetic

  • Developing cathode materials with higher energy
    density based on oxygen redox

  • Research process

    1) Material design based on theoretical understanding

    2) Utilizing cheap & abundant resources

    3) Developing high-performance energy storage materials

  • Building a sustainable energy storage system

  • Related Paper

    1. Learn About Batteries - Battery University (
    2. What Are Lithium-Ion Batteries? | UL Research Institutes started-electrochemical-safety/what-are-lithium-ion
    3. Bae, Changgeun, Nicolas Dupre, and Byoungwoo Kang. "Further improving coulombic efficiency and discharge capacity in LiNiO2 material by activating sluggish∼ 3.5 V discharge reaction." ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 13.20 (2021): 23760-23770.